Randolph, Vermont
Welcome seller!
The Gear House sells outdoor adventure gear, apparel, footwear and accessories. We focus on in-season items you need to get outside and enjoy our local area, especially biking, hiking, camping, skiing, snowboarding, snow shoeing, and disc golf. We do not sell items for team or “ball” sports, exercise equipment, or athletic and department store brands.
If your lightly used gear fits the description above and meets all requirements below, please come in during business hours, at least one hour before close, with no appointment necessary. An employee will inspect items and help set an initial selling price. A good rule of thumb is to price items at about 50% of their retail value.
- Gear is fully functional and undamaged
- Items are washed, cleaned, and odor-free
- Items are no more than 10 years old
Payment Policy:
Items will pay out 60% to seller by check or 70% to seller for in-store credit
Consignor (seller) is responsible for checking on their items and collecting them. You will NOT be notified by the Gear House when items sell.
The Gear House reserves the right to lower item prices after 60 days in store.
After 8 months (240 days), items not sold or collected by seller will become property of The Gear House. Sellers can collect their items during any normal business hours.